
What does Heimat mean to you?

Heimat means my ‘firsts’. It is the first and most important things that shaped me as a person. The place where I made my first social connections with friends, where I have my first memories, where I first smelled my favourite meal cooked by my mum.

Why do you work for [Haimat]?

Because I truly believe that our concept of creating a Heimat adds value not just to our clients but also to the people that work here, and the partners we work with. If we create Heimats for all of them, we will truly achieve some incredible things. Also, who doesn’t like an underdog – David against Goliath, bring it on!!!

One thing you like most about [Haimat]?

We are in the advertising game to make a positive change, to shift from the traditional and conventional. [Haimat] is trying to positively impact every touch point – clients, colleagues, partners, neighbours, followers, the area we work and live in. When we do that its highly rewarding.