
Social Media

You may not have heard the term brand storytelling. Basically it refers to what the story is behind your brand or business — what does it like, what is it’s background, what it’s view of the world is etc. etc. Thinking of your business or brand as a story can help you come up with content ideas and to visualise for your customer (or follower) the “personality” behind your business. This can be done through things like the type of imagery you use and your tone of voice, for example.   

The purpose of having a “brand story” is to build up the engagement of your followers by posting consistent, interesting stuff (not just stuff you want to sell).

One of the main factors here is to always think about things from the customer’s point of view — they don’t want to be sold to, rather they want to be inspired.

Check out a whole list of do’s and don’t for creating your brand story here